The opportunity of a lifetime!
WANTED - Motivated Individuals seeking a challanging, well paying and very fulfilling career!!!!!
THE CHALLENGE: Finding a meaningful job in an industry that’s hiring
So many people today are searching for work with meaning, good pay, good benefits, and a future. Let us guide you into career paths that offer just that. Have a career, not just a job!
“Water utilities face an upcoming wave of retiring baby boomers.
“It’s projected that in the next 10 years, 37 percent of the water utility workers and 31 percent of wastewater utility workers will retire.”
The Field of Water and Wastewater Treatment are GROWING, While the Employment Pool is RETIRING
A wave of water industry workers are retiring, leaving a growing number of high-paying vacancies in need of filling. Our programs are specifically designed to train, certify, and hire for these positions.
Retirement Rates (Shown in percentage of workforce)
Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant and System Operators
Our Educational Programs - Creating Super Employees
Water treatment & Distribution
We assist our students in creating high value careers. Our programs cover through grade 5. Unique learning programs fuel career paths creating Super Employees!
wastewater treatment
Drinking Water and Water Reclamation (Waste Water) are becoming holistic. We encourage cross training for the future skill sets required. We are creating Super Employees!
certification exam Prep
Our comprehensive learning programs, along with our “Last Chance Reviews” held just before State Exams gives our students the edge!
Classes beginning soon! Contact us and take the first step towards a new career as a Water Operator.
Employer Recruitment Services
Are You A Water Industry Employer?
If you are an employer looking to fill vacancies with qualified personnel, we provide recruitment assistance and succession planning that can help secure your facilities future.